
Healer Education

Want to learn how to heal animals?
Want to learn more about the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual levels of animals – and what you can do to balance each level?
Want to learn how to activate your inner healer?
Are you passionate about facilitating change for animals that need you?

Then this program is for you.

We are all healers

We are all healers in our own lives, of each other and of the animals in our lives. By accessing these inner abilities and consciously choosing to activate and guide them, we can create healing on all levels in the animals and ourselves. Healing is not something that is limited to a few individuals – our body is constantly healing itself, we heal the experiences we have throughout life and our support of others helps them to heal, proving that we all possess healing abilities. In this program, you will learn how to consciously activate your abilities, use them to create change in the animals around you, and understand which techniques you can use to enhance your healing. Healing involves conveying energy from the universe and being a conduit for this energy to reach the places that need it. You will not only learn to send healing energy, but also to read where it is needed for the animals and why, so that your further counseling will support this healing process.

In-depth days

Learning how to heal consciously will create major changes in your life. During the course, we will practice both remote and live healings.

We work with different techniques, colors, external aids (e.g. crystals, aromatherapy etc.). You will learn how to access your healing abilities, learn about ‘a healing mindset’, we will practice healing each other, do accurate physical readings AND activate proper healing to solve problems on physical, psychological, mental and spiritual levels.

We learn about how these different plans all work together and how we can rebalance the animals. We also look at physical methods to balance the animals, inspired by the methods the animals have taught me over the years, including acupressure, massage, physical relaxation, meridian pathways and more.

On this course you will learn

  • Accessing your healing abilities & opening yourself to receive messages from animals while healing
  • To ‘translate’ what your intuition tells you about the animal’s internal and external state
  • Understanding how the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes of animals, and us, are wired and connected
  • Concrete tools and methods to balance animals on all levels

Are you ready to step into your role as a healer?

Accessing your abilities as a healer is an amazing journey that will change your view of animals, yourself and give you the tools to create change for the animals that need it.

Module 1

Opening up to your healing abilities

Learn to open up to your healing abilities.

  • You will discover that you can find your healing abilities
  • You will understand what healing is and how it works
  • You will learn how to feel and read the energy of animals, their personal space (aura), their energy flow and where the blockages are
  • You’ll understand how your body, mind, soul and emotions are connected and how to sense each life

Module 2

To heal powerfully

Learn to heal powerfully.

  • You will learn the different ways you can receive and send healing, and learn how to do remote and live healing
  • You will learn to understand and read animal chakras (energy centers)
  • You will learn how to telepathically read and identify physical issues in animals
  • You will understand how healing works and how to conduct a healing session

Module 3

Further work

Learn more about balances, energies and healing.

  • Learn to read animal meridian pathways (energy pathways) and energetic balances and imbalances in the body
  • You will learn how to work with trauma and past issues
  • You will learn how to read animal signals during healing and use them to tailor the healing to the individual animal
  • You will learn how to heal yourself

This course is for you:

  • Feel a desire to help and improve the quality of life for the animals in your life
  • Want to understand the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual planes of animals – and know how to balance them
  • Passionate about stepping into the role of a healer
  • Ready to become aware of all the wisdom and info your body and intuition are constantly receiving
  • Want to use your healing skills to better understand animals and their needs – and be able to help them


  • The course takes place over 3 weekends
  • All days are from 10-16
  • Max 12 participants
  • Price: 7500kr for the entire program
  • Concludes with a certificate or diploma (exam is optional)
  • Next classes: October 1-2 (2022), November 5-6 (2022), December 10-11 (2022)
  • Address: Ollinghedevej 10, 6933 Kibæk
  • Sign up at:

Healing education

7500 kr. for the entire program

Once payment has been made, there is no return policy.

3 weekends, every day from 10-16. The training is completed with a certificate or diploma.

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