
Courses, workshops and lectures

On this page you can follow my courses, workshops and lectures. In the overview below you can find upcoming events.


Join us for a course in intuitive animal communication and learn how to build a valuable bridge between yourself and your animal friends. The ability to telepath with animals is something we are all born with. Telepathy allows you to gain a greater understanding of your animal’s world, desires, thoughts and feelings through dialog with them.

In this magical workshop, we work on connecting with our intuition, finding peace and stillness within ourselves to telepathically connect with the animals in our lives. We look at the typical issues we face when we want to learn telepathy – and learn how to work through them.

In this telepathy course, you will have a unique opportunity to have your own first experiences with telepathy through inspiring stories, teaching, guidance and lots of practical exercises!

The course is available in several levels ranging from 1-3, which shows how deep and detailed we work. The higher levels are more in-depth courses, but require you to have taken a level 1 course first.

Want to host a telepathy course? Then write an email to:

Training course: The Intuitive Horse Handler

Do you want to combine your therapist training with intuitive and empathetic tools? Would you like to learn more about energy, flow, empathy, horse reading and energetic tools that you can combine with your therapist background? Do you also want to learn more about yourself as a practitioner and how to overcome blocks and step into your full potential?

Heal your pet with crystals

Curious about the power of crystals? Want to learn how to heal your pet (and yourself) using crystals? Do you want a basic, in-depth understanding of working with animals and crystals?


You can book me for various workshops in animal communication, animal healing, intuitive contact with animals, spiritual contact with animals, problem solving with animals and everything else in my field. It may be private, but is your dog club, riding school, riding club, cat club, animal shelter or other clubs or associations interested in understanding animals telepathically? Curious about how we build a strong, intuitive bridge between us and animals? How can we send messages to the animals and receive replies back? I’d love to come and do a workshop with you! If you are interested in booking me for a workshop, please send an email to: and we will find a suitable solution.

Telepathy workshop for children and young people

For many, the love of animals started when they were children. As we grew up, we were torn away from the intuitive, primal connection we had with animals – and into the world of logic and performance. That’s why so many children and young people have an amazing ability to feel and read the animals around them! And just by supporting children a little, they can go even deeper into the switch and understand it, so they never have to forget this ability.

Workshop – What can we learn from wild animals?

Do you dream of learning to talk more with wild animals? Want to know how to best meet them and create a great conversation? Want to learn about how animals can become your guides in life and help you on your own personal journey or help you deal with problems?

Workshop – Telepathic animal tracking

Have you always dreamed of using telepathy to find more wildlife? Want to learn how to look for wild animals and find them when you’re out and about? Do you want to learn new tools that allow you to search for animals the way they did in ancient tribal societies? Then join me for this themed day where I will teach you techniques to track animals using the animal tracking system. Telepathy.


You can book me for various lectures in animal communication, animal healing, intuitive contact with animals, spiritual contact with animals, problem solving with animals and everything else within my field. If you are interested in booking me for a lecture, please send an email to: and we will find a suitable solution.

Lecture – the intuitive pet owner
Would you like to understand how you can connect more intuitively with your animals, create greater empathy and expand your relationship? So come along to this talk.

I hear countless pet owners tell me that they don’t believe they have the ability to communicate telepathically with animals. They think it’s probably too difficult or too much work for them. But that’s not true – we all possess the ability to communicate telepathically with animals. In this interactive talk, I’ll show you that YOU have the skills too. I give you concrete, practical tools to expand this ability.

Having taught all types of people at home and abroad, I guarantee that telepathy is something we can all learn. In this talk, I put you in touch with the hidden ability within yourself. So you can begin, or continue, your journey to deepen your connection with animals, understand them more easily and create a valuable bridge between you.

As you start to listen more to your intuition about animals and follow their little signals and messages, you’ll see your relationship change. You’ll both be able to communicate in a common language that builds understanding. By the end of the evening, you will leave with an expanded understanding of how animals communicate with you and with useful tools you can use to connect with the animals in your life.

Are you curious about how animals talk to you and how you can talk back? So keep an eye out for upcoming talks, or do you want to host a talk?

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